Image ID

A integrated solution for object and image processing

Because your business and your specific needs are unique, LTU offers an open, configurable suite of visual search functionalities in SaaS mode to recognize, identify and organize your 2D and 3D media.

This SaaS solution gives you access to our multiple proprietary algorithms, and can also integrate third-party algorithms to perform a visual search specifically tailored to your needs.

Drawing on more than 20 years of expertise in image processing technologies, LTU offers a flexible solution with unrivalled performance.

Unrivalled ease of integration


La solution est disponible à partir d'une API de recherche visuelle qui appellera les fonctions de recherche visuelle appropriées. La solution est ouverte et configurable pour effectuer une recherche visuelle spécifique à vos besoins.


A team of image processing experts and technical support will help you help you set up your own API for object and image recognition.


The technology is immediately operational. The algorithm focuses on visual characteristics (curvature, contrast, etc.), and does not classify an image by typology (landscape, face, animal, etc.).

Recherche visuelle basée sur la signature unique
The heart of our technology lies in the creation of a unique signature for an image or object. Like an identifier, our algorithms extract a wide range of data based on the visual characteristics of the image or object.

This enables it to be up and running immediately, with minimal CPU resources, and to offer unrivalled performance such as a response time <0.3 seconds based on one million images in the database, and a daily capacity of 2.5 million queries at a constant response speed of 0.2 seconds.


Adaptability to a wide range of use cases

We deliver your dedicated visual search model, including the visual processing functionalities specifically required for your needs, in the form of an API key enabling easy integration into third-party technology environments and applications.

Our support and pre-sales team can also help you take your first steps into the world of visual recognition, to specify the technological combination best suited to your use case.


From a query image, find one or more similar images in your database

Color search

Search for an image in a database, based on one or more input colors, or on an image with the same dominant colors.


Organize your databases into groups of related images


Search for one or more images or documents, based on a word contained in the image or document

search by metadata(coming soon)

À partir d'un ou plusieurs mots-clés, trouver une ou plusieurs images dans une base de données en rapport avec ces mots-clés.


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